When the principle of “nothing in common” with journalism begins to work “at full speed”, and the principle of “nothing personal” does not work at all, the main bearer of freedom of speech – a journalist – becomes an information killer.

When the main purpose of an information site is to discredit one politician and his political force, this isn’t always a sign of the corruption of this site or the journalists. Similarly, neither is it when certain journalists ignore the news of positive changes initiated by the same politician without exception. However, it is important for the general public to know how the media become weapons for the destruction of political rivals and the clearing of roads for their own politicians.

When the principle of “nothing in common” with journalism begins to work “at full speed”, and the principle of “nothing personal” does not work, so the journalist-the main bearer of freedom of speech-becomes an information killer. Having only the facts, let’s introduce the reader to a group of journalists, or public figures, who hide behind the “interests of the community”, and deliberately work exclusively against one politician – Irpin mayor, Volodymyr Karpiluk, and his political party “The New Faces”.

The main tool in the work of this information group is the so-called “Kotsjubinske Community Site”. The group includes active authors of this site – ex-secretary of the Irpin City Council and political party “Freedom” member Bohdan Melnychuk (who in the elections for Irpin Mayor received twice as few votes as the winner of the election ,Volodymyr Karpiluk, and took only the third place),  ex- TV journalists Iryna Fedoriv and Olena Zheger (who for certain reasons, were released from the STB TV channel) and the scandalously famous Victor Barholenko, who has repeatedly failed to be elected mayor of Bucha,. Details about each of them are below. 


In the article by Irina Feodorіv “New Faces – A Threat for Kyiv and the Kyiv region”, which was published on May 12, 2015 on the website  “The site of the Kotsyubinsky Community”, the following statements appear: “Volodymyr Karpiluk – from the protégé of Peter Melnyk to an independent player” and ” Representatives of two clans competed for the post of Irpin Mayor In 2010  – the then rector of the tax academy Petro Melnyk for Volodymyr Karplyuk and the then Prime Minister Mykola Azarov for Volodymyr Skarzhynsky.  This information is untrue and banal contrary to the logic because Volodymyr Karpul defeated Skarzynsky at all polling stations during the election of Irpin Mayor in 2010-except for the “university” polling station where Skarzynsky won with a large margin, precisely thanks to the open administrative support of the rector of Peter Melnyk . This was confirmed by the voting protocols. At the same time, in her article Irina Fedoriv doesn’t give the slightest evidence of the connection between Volodymyr Karpiluk and Peter Melnyk.

In addition, YouTube’s social video network still features a popular video where Peter Melnyk was campaigning to students against Karplyuk and in favor of the “Party of regions”. The information given by Iryna Fedorov is nonsense, because Mykola Azarov appointed Peter Melnyk as rector, so of course he supported the regionalist Volodymyr Skarzynsky.

It is unlikely that an experienced journalist Irina Fedorov could make a mistake in such essential facts. More likely the acting Irpin mayor, Volodymyr Karpiluk experienced here an informational attack to discredit him and possibly remove him from his post.

In the same article (“New Faces – A Threat to Kyiv and the Kyiv region”, which was published on May 12, 2015 on the site “Kotsiubynsky Community Site”), Irina Fedorov asserts: “… But Karpluk was preparing for revenge all these years. He built a network of his local media … “. Another lie. According to the State Registry of Mass Media, Volodymyr Karpluk isn’t the founder of “the local media network”. That is, Irina Fedoriv once again submitted information that wasn’t confirmed by the facts, deliberately misleading readers.

In another article by Irina Fedoriv titled “Deputies of Kotsjubinsky joined Irpin in secret from the community “, which was published on May 21, 2015, on the site “Kotsiubynsky community site, it is stated: “… he is the one who, according to the information of “Ukrainian truth “, wanted to build the multistoried buildings in the woods – Volodymyr Karplyuk “.  At the same time, the author refers to material which wasn’t published in the ” The Ukrainian Truth”, but on “Kotsiubinsky community Site”, which reprinted their column from one on the site ” Kyiv truth” which Oleg Borovoy wrote, entitled ” Forestry ring near Kiev: is Bucha Mayor, Fedoruk against President Yanukovych?” . The manipulation here of Irina Fedoriv is that the author’s column in “Kyiv truth” can’t be regarded as “information of “Ukrainian truth”, because Oleg Borovyi (most likely a fictional author or a pseudonym, perhaps Irina Fedorov) in the column writes their own point of view, but there isn’t any information of an authoritative publication.

In this article (“Deputies of Kotsjubinsky joined Irpin in secret from the community”, which was published on May 21, 2015 on “Kotsiubynsky community site”) Iryna Fedorov states: “… They cynically transferred the interests of the community to the Irpin mayor, who has 67 apartments” . A typical example of manipulation using elementary distortion of the facts. First, the 67 apartments Vladimir Karplyuk noted in his income declaration for 2013, filed in 2014, when he ran for the post of Irpin mayor. In March 2015, the website of the Irpin City Council issued a declaration for 2014. He declared almost three times less real estate. Taking into account that the article by Irina Fedoriv named ” Deputies of Kotsjubinsky joined Irpin in secret from the community” was published on May 21, 2015, and the income declaration for 2014 was published 2 months before the release of this article, the journalist couldn’t have been unaware that Karpluk no longer had 67 apartments. However, probably for the manipulation of the reader’s mind, Fedoriv chose the declaration from 2013 and affirmatively wrote: “… the Irpin mayor, who has 67 apartments.”


Irina Fedoriv is an ex-journalist of the STB TV channel, which belongs to the television holding of the scandalous oligarch Victor Pinchuk, a son-in-law of Leonid Kuchma, whose consultants first introduced censorship in the Ukrainian media. This cooperation was mutually beneficial: on the one hand, according to STB journalist Osman Pashayev, Irina Fedoriv’s voice wasn’t heard while reducing the staff of the TV channel, and on the other hand, due to the media resources of STB, Fedoriv managed to break into power in the Kotsyubinsky village and become a deputy of the village council.

Osman Pashayev gives the following characterization of Irina Fedoriv: “The trade union “Mediafront” arose during the existence of the NTN channel in 2006. Taras Town Hall, Marina Balaban and I were the founders. The trade union at STB was formed in 2008, and the TV channel management was informed about this. I do not remember the cause, but this tool of protection was already there. The organization was headed by Irina Fedorov, who, in the end, was on the side of the authorities. Unfortunately”.

In the post “Fedoriv’s grief ” on the site “Ukrainian Truth” in 2013, Osman Pashayev wrote: “If I say that the blog of “colleague” Iryna Fedoriv surprised me, that wouldn’t be true.  Because Irina, who has been chairman of the ‘’Mediafront’’  for several years at STB, has never publicly appeared in court or in blogs when Borodiansky’s lawyers argued that there was no union on the TV channel. I don’t remember Irina’s voice after the first cases of withdrawing storyline from the ether, or after the STB journalists’ collective letter about censorship in May 2010, after which the civil movement ‘STOP Censorship’ arose… Mrs. Irina, What were your actions during the first illegal order to dismiss “Windows” employees in 2009, that the employer didn’t agree with the primary union center in accordance with Ukrainian legislation? What were your actions when three of the five members of the union committee “Mediafront” resolved to publicize the story of Sergei Andrushka in accordance with his written application, which then was not published on September 1, 2010? What was your position during the second illegal reduction at “Windows” in 2010? I am proud of your tenacity during the defense of the Belichansk Forest, where you purchased an apartment, and I hope that the STB TV channel’s assistance regarding your election as a deputy of the village council  isn’t connected with your intention to intervene in this war on the side of people who are very close to criminal liability for violating labor laws”.

When a person refuses to stand up for their journalist colleagues and supports the management of the channel in the fight against their own employees, it shows a certain composition of character and a set of “high” professional qualities. And that isn’t unusual. While employees of the TV channel struggled with censorship and defended themselves against STB lawyers for illegal dismissal, an apartment in Kotsyubinsky appeared for our heroine, like a mushroom, and a new house was built on hundreds of square meters as she became a deputy to the Kotsyubinsky council.

At a time when most journalists suffered from censorship, Irina Fedoriv met with then President Yanukovich and his “chain dog” – General Prosecutor Viktor Pshonka, to ask for protection after receiving a phone call threatening her. The step is rather strange, because at that time, most journalists who were attacked bypassed the bloody “Party of Regional”. However, this meeting was in the hands of ” Mezhyhirsk kangaroo”, who appeared in the eyes of the public as a president who immediately stood up for journalists. However, we can’t argue that this action was planned by Yanukovych’s PR, who worked closely with the STB TV channel, whose airtime during the work of Irina Fedorov wasn’t allow to criticize the then-President’s criminal regime.

According to metropolitan journalists, the political party “People’s Front” may nominate Irina Fedoriv to the Kyiv Regional Council during the 2015 local elections. Because, it is now fashionable to “use” journalists during the formation of a storage of candidates from the party. As you know, “People’s Front” in the Kyiv region coordinates number 53 in the parliamentary list of the party, Alexander Prysyazhnyuk, son of the scandalous ex-chairman of the Kyiv Regional Administration Anatoly Prysyazhnyuk. Therefore, this nomination was not surprising.

Another active author of the information on  “Kotsiubynsky Community Site” is Bohdan Melnychuk, a deputy and ex-secretary of the Irpin City Council. In Irpin and the Irpin region, there is a perception that Irina Fedorov and Olena Zhezher promoted Bogdan Melnychuk as Irpin Mayor in the Irpin 2014 elections. It is highly likely that Melnychuk supported a joint land fraud during his tenure as acting Mayor of Irpin in 2014. This is evidenced by the amount of decisions related to the deriban of land plots in forest areas that were signed by Bogdan Melnychuk. However, the reader will not find this information on the “Kotsiubynsky Community Site” because the apartment, the house, the car had to come from somewhere: like Bohdan Melnychuk, Iryna Fedoriv and Elena Zhezhera.

From the easy hand of Bogdan Melnychuk, the Irpin community lost dozens of hectares of land for 9 months in the city of Irpin and hundreds of hectares outside of the city, but in the Irpin region. And last but not least, it is worth paying attention to those who, by manipulating public opinion and spread  a lie, brought such “rulers” to power.

In order not to be unfounded, let’s give the brightest evidence of Melnychuk’s activities as city mayor.

So, at the 54th extraordinary session of the city council, held on February 25, 2014, Melnichuk, though it wasn’t his own filing, made a decision “to establish a moratorium on the allocation of land plots for multi-story and low-rise buildings in the city of Irpin and a ban on providing permission to develop detailed plans for the territory of the city to multi-story and low-rise buildings until the new city council will be elected. ” Simply put – forbade to allocate land for any construction.

However, at the 56th session on June 4, he signed multiple decisions on the provision of various land plots for construction! That is, at least – violated the self-signed moratorium on the allocation of land, and the assistance of the land deriban in Irpin.

In addition, it also violates the prohibition on the working of land-use documentation.

It can be added that, according to local journalists, Melnichuk’s daughter has apartments in multistory buildings built by LLC “BGI”, which was associated with the son of Viktor Yanukovych.
Another author is Viktor Barkholenko. He has allocated to himself and his people a few plots of land while a deputy of the Irpin City Council. There is a video recording of testimonies in the prosecutor’s office of one of the residents of the region, who assures that  Barholenko told him to write an application for a land plot. Irpin activists accused Barholenka of illegally constructing the market in Irpin. Thus, Barkholenko tries to hide his old crimes and transfer attention to his opponents through social activity. 


This group of people are focused almost entirely on the discrediting of Volodymyr Karpiluk, Irpin mayor and the chairman of the party “New Faces.” When Karpluk in 2014 ran for Irpin Mayor, these people also worked to defame him. At that time their task was to “knock down” Karpluk and elect Bohdan Melnychuk as Mayor. This mission failed, because the real public expressed their real opinion, choosing Karpluk  as Mayor-a decision which has not disappointed them. Today, however, pseudo journalists and pseudo-activists renewed their attacks, relying on the long-term habit of Ukrainians to trust journalists and not trust the authorities.

To manipulate the consciousness of readers, Irina Fedoriv uses several tools:

 Excogitation of frankly false allegations disguised as a public opinion (illustration of publications about Karpiluk featuring an old billboard photo on which small opponents-hooligans have written “Regional” on the face of Karpluk, although Karpluk has never been a member of the Party of Regions, but rather he is the head of the party “New Faces”; this move with the illustration violates some journalistic standards, because in this way you could write “journalist-prose” on some board and use the photo of this billboard to illustrate all publications by that journalist).
Removal of facts from context (using the data of the 2013 declaration, indicating that this property belongs to him today, although the property now has been fixed in the declaration for 2014).

The use of using media for personal purposes (STB for becoming a deputy of the Kotsiubynsky city council and constantly taking comments from the “activist” Viktor Barkhorenko-promoting him to Bucha’s mayor’s role as a channel resource; the movement “Honestly” – for a good cover and giving credibility to false propaganda against Volodymyr Karpluk and his party; the site “Ukrainian Truth” – helping this lie reach more people).

It is worth recognizing that Irina Fedoriv’s professional skill is beyond doubt. She is able to manipulate facts, and set up accents. She removes information from context, hangs “win-win” labels without worrying about their reliability, and «the product» sets up as an independent investigation by a journalist or activist. And, ultimately, she influences the reasoning and the point of view of people. However, this cynical political harassment, disguised as a search for the truth, is a disrespectful to the memory of those executed and killed because they professionally, honestly worked as journalists and performed their work.

Source: Bagnet